Why Can’t We Be Friends?

In the midst of, what I believe to be, the most hostile era we’ve ever experienced, the question often arises… “Why can’t we have different opinions and still be friends?”

I really do wish it were as simple as having different opinions or just plain not seeing eye to eye but the issue we face goes much deeper. Contrary to popular belief, this conundrum is not politically driven. It’s not a Republican vs. Democrat thing. It’s not a conservative vs. liberal thing. The truth is, we can trace this right back to God’s word. It’s a good vs. evil thing.

The old saying goes, blood is thicker than water. Of course water, in this adage, stands for the distance that physically stands between two who are connected by blood… family. For the sake of this scenario we’ll use the element of water as the subject that serves as a barrier separating two who should otherwise be inseparable because of their bond.

You don’t have to spend much time perusing social media before you happen upon a post that echos the support of a certain party with a catalog of disputing comments that follows. I’ll have to be honest and say that I have been both a poster and a commenter. I have openly touted my support of a certain individual and have spent quite a bit of time going back and forth with those who disagree with my choice; even to the point of being nasty about it.

So, with that we will revisit the question at hand… “Why can’t we be friends?” I mean, isn’t it just an issue of you support this guy and I support this guy? Actually no, it’s not that simple. If it were then I would have to say, “Sure we can be friends.” But that is not the reality.

Here’s the rub. It goes beyond party lines and goes straight to conviction. It’s not about an Elephant and a Donkey. It’s about the Forces of good and the forces of evil. I’ll use this as a plain and simple example… Abortion. As a born again Christian, I can not and could never support the annihilation of an innocent baby for the sake of a woman’s convenience. Every life is fearfully and wonderfully made and God states in His word that He knew each of us before we were ever formed in our mother’s womb. He goes on to say that He knows the plans He has made for every soul; plans to prosper, plans for a future and for hope. If you in any way, shape or form are a vote for the murder of an innocent life, we are going to struggle in regards to relationship.

I am going to have a hard time sitting across the table from you if you claim to be a Christian and support something as hideous as abortion. Does that sound harsh? Sure it does… especially in this day and age when it seems that the only attributes of God preached are grace and mercy while the truth that God is adamant regarding sin and that He is a God who hates certain behaviors is swept under the pew. Conviction has seemed to be packed away in the baptistery along with the church Christmas decorations and our alters have been deactivated.

If it seems excessive to say I couldn’t sit across the table from you and pretend that those differences weren’t a sincere issue, let’s see what God has to say about it.

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. I Corinthians 5:11

It’s pretty clear that the New Testament instructs us to steer clear of those who claim Christianity yet their lives tell a different story.

So, for those of you who keep posing the question… “Why can’t we see things differently and still be friends?” My answer is, “We can as long as your opinions and beliefs don’t reflect that of ungodliness.” If you are going to claim Christ as your savior make sure you also claim His truths as your guide.


About Chris Allman

I'm one of the millions who have experienced the repercussion of my sinful past. Unlike many, through Christ, I have recognized that the path before me does not have to be determined by the path behind. I have experienced the sweet forgiveness of God and have therefore chosen to walk in that forgiveness. Forgiving self is a day to day task and I believe that's why His mercies are new every morning. I pray that this daily reminder that we can choose to begin living today like we wish we'd lived in the past will be a solace for many who struggle with those things they wish they hadn't done.
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3 Responses to Why Can’t We Be Friends?

  1. Pam Atcheson says:

    Thank you for this. I agree 1000000% percent. Evil has a tendency to prey on the weak which is our precious unborn babies along with the fear, guilt or inconvenience of the mother. I pray everyday for protection for our unborn babies and that God would open the eyes of the blind to see the evil before us. I’ve heard some of our church members make the statement “You forget it’s separation of church and state.” God help us that we ever make that excuse to make it ok to kill a baby. As a grandmother of a 15 month old rainbow baby boy, and a precious little girl in heaven, the thought that people have somehow made abortion ok is sickening to me. God will judge and I believe He’ll judge hard. Thank you again for your wise words.


  2. Jay Pass says:

    Wow…this is a great post, my friend. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the biblical truths to back them up!


  3. Jonathan Wilburn says:

    Amen Chris! Thank you for standing up for the truth of God’s Word.


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