God Will Not Bless at The Number Two Spot!

When I was a pastor, I often was asked what a Christian’s list of priorities should look like.  I believe everyone reading here would agree that God, most definitely, should occupy the number one position but that’s a fact that is easier stated than practiced.  The reason I say that is because I know I’ve had trouble with this and therefore, it would go without saying that, others have as well.

Those things that are tangible to us tend to rank above God because, sadly, they are more real to us. You might read that and think, “Chris Allman, that’s heresy”, but I’m just trying to be real here.  My statement doesn’t mean we don’t consider the Lord to be real but that He’s not physically present for us to look at, talk to and touch from day-to-day.  Yes, He is with us in spirit and we can talk to Him in prayer and His unseen hand is there to hold but please allow yourself to shake off the over-spiritualized way of thinking so we might solve an issue here!  There’s no way anyone can ever advance if he refuses to accept the facts in regards to his situation.

The truth is, sometimes, our spouses, our kids, our jobs even our ministries rob God of the number one spot because they are things that we are physically in contact with every single day.  I’m not saying that it’s right.  I’m just saying that it’s the way it is.  If we’re not careful, our focus on the things we are physically involved with can diminish the focus we have on the One who blessed us with those things.  How can we know if we’ve fallen into this trap?  That’s simple.  Just assess what you spend most of your efforts on.  Is it the relationship with your family?  Do you spend way too much time on your career?  Has ministry become a job instead of a joy?  I can promise you this… Whatever has knocked God out of spot number one is not going to flourish.  Why?  Because God’s blessing will not be upon it.  No matter how badly God wants your marriage to be wonderful, He will not play second fiddle to it and flourish it at the same time.  Our God is a jealous God and He will have no other gods before Him (Exodus 34:14)!

The Lord laid this on my heart yesterday… Write it down!

If your relationship with the Lord is not your number one priority… Don’t expect Him to bless what is! – Chris Allman

Now, I’m going to give, what I believe, should be every Christian’s top five priorities.  After that our priorities should differ based on our own individual lives.

  • God – We’ve covered this but I believe if we are steadfast in making sure He stays at the top of this list, we’ll experience His favor over the those things that fall beneath Him.
  • Your spouse – This is obviously for those of us who are married.  Your wife, sir, and your husband, ma’am, should come second only to the Lord Himself.  I believe the reason there is a 32% divorce rate among born again Christians is because we have allowed this relationship to rank lower on our list of priorities.
  • Your children – These are the gifts God has blessed us with and we ought to invest in them as husband and wife together. There’s no way we can raise our children as God would have us to if we don’t prioritize our marriages above our relationships with our kids. Do you see how one builds on the other?
  • Your ministryWe’ve discussed this one before. We are all called to actively play our parts in the body of Christ.  You don’t have to be a vocational pastor to be considered a minister.  Each one of us are instructed to identify what our spiritual gifts are and then to exercise them therefore edifying the body.
  • Your vocation – We all have careers we have to tend to and here’s where it falls on the list.  God’s word tells us that if we won’t work neither shall we eat (II Thess. 3:10)!  Everything we do, we ought to do it as unto the Lord  When you are at work, your Christian duty is to give 100% of yourself to your employer.  You may be a stay at home mother and, mom, your job is as important if not more so than the one your husband has.

I really do believe, if we adopt these as our top five priorities in life, that we can live lives of blessing!

What do you think about the list I’ve posted?  Your comments are welcome.

About Chris Allman

I'm one of the millions who have experienced the repercussion of my sinful past. Unlike many, through Christ, I have recognized that the path before me does not have to be determined by the path behind. I have experienced the sweet forgiveness of God and have therefore chosen to walk in that forgiveness. Forgiving self is a day to day task and I believe that's why His mercies are new every morning. I pray that this daily reminder that we can choose to begin living today like we wish we'd lived in the past will be a solace for many who struggle with those things they wish they hadn't done.
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13 Responses to God Will Not Bless at The Number Two Spot!

  1. Glenda says:

    In my opinion, your list is excellent. Thank you for bringing this important subject to our attention today. God is faithful, and will always honor those who put Him first. There are those who will see a conflict in some areas, but once we get into the fine points of relationships in Christ, there is no conflict.


  2. Janice Allman says:

    Another great one, I am so proud of you. God has given you a great talent and I am so glad you are putting it to use. The list is right on.


  3. Judy Piatak says:

    I agree 100% with your list.


  4. granonine says:

    It’s amazing how, when we get our God-focus clear and defined, all the rest of it is so much easier to see. Excellent list. Anyone in so-called “full time Christian service” (aren’t we ALL supposed to be?) needs to pay special attention to the ministry/vocation location.


  5. I think that sometimes people conflate the “God” priority with the “ministry” priority, so that they begin to place a higher priority on their ministry than their families. And that can have tragic results.


  6. I read one column by somebody who thought that to even ask the question “Which comes first, God or my wife?” could be misleading. I’ll quote what he said under the asterisks.


    “But who comes first, God or my wife?”

    Not a good way to put it. Not good at all. It is like saying, what comes first, God’s commandments or God himself. Most certainly, there are times when you will have to follow God rather than your wife, but this is not saying that God will ever call on you to neglect your responsibility to love her in order to serve him. While it is true that you put God first, I don’t know how to separate that from putting your wife first. In other words, you put your wife first precisely because you put God first.

    For those of you who have a passion for ministry, do not separate this from your passion for your family. Don’t become bitter, apathetic, or dismissive towards the wife that God has given to you. She is your first ministry. If you do well with her, you have done better than one who writes, speaks, blogs, and preaches for God to the neglect of his wife.


    • Chris Allman says:

      Your spouse runs only second to the Lord. There’s no way you can properly love, lead or provide for your wife if God is not your first priority. As I said… In order to receive His blessing on anything, He must be number one.


  7. Seavy says:

    Bro Chris, you know what, the more you say the better I love you. You are so in tune with this life and how it relates spiritually. I am proud to know you and call you my friend. Seavy


  8. Marie Bittinger says:

    Thanks, Chris, for putting into words what I have needed to say to a friend for quite some time. I have already shared with him and trust he will read and take it to heart. If not, I will send again! Prayers for a safe trip home. . .


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